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What about if it's a walking adventure in Northern Spain?
Do you want to hike the famous pilgrimage trail, the 500 mile/800 km Camino Frances in Spain, but don’t have 30+ days for that trek? Or are you terrified of the fitness, research, and planning that is required?
The Camino Ingles is one of the Northern Caminos, a Galician pilgrimage trail ending in Santiago de Compostela, a great doable walking adventure for anyone of moderate fitness. You may have heard of the Camino, called variously, St. James Way, or Jacobsweg; but there are in fact, many Caminos, and the English Way or Camino Ingles is one of them.
Walking the Camino was a goal of mine last year, and the year before that, and the year before that. I had never even walked five miles, but I wanted to walk the Camino to prove to myself that I could achieve a goal. But, I didn’t have the time for 500 miles, then, I heard of the Camino Ingles. No more excuses! The shorter time and distance of the Camino Ingles was the clincher, and I set out on a quieter, less travelled and less well documented hike through Spain.
This book helps you to set a practical goal and achieve it, by showing you exactly how to:
Follow this book to complete a real pilgrimage trek in only 6 days, there is enough detail to guide you each day. Go on, what’s stopping you? It's only one step at a time!