This ebook doesn't include Listening part.
この でんししょせきには ちょうかいの もんだいは ありません。
◇Features of and how to use this book
(1)A large number of questions are provided.
This book contains a large number of practice tests in the area of “Vocabulary,” “Grammar,” and “Reading” for those who are going to take the new “Japanese-Language Proficiency Test” Level N4. All the questions in this book are made in the new format as in the actual test.
A shortcut for you to pass the test would be to try as many practice questions as possible. We hope you will prepare with this book and succeed in the upcoming test.
(2)You can proceed gradually by taking one test at a time.
Each test is split into several portions so you can proceed your study little by little. Make sure you fill in your score because it is important to check your current level.
(3)Helpful explanations are provided.
You will find the correct answers and explanations (translations of questions and answers, example sentences, meaning of and usages of incorrect answers, tips and answering techniques, etc.). If you don't have much time to study, you can just check the right answers and read the explanations for the ones you were wrong with. If you do have time, make sure you read the explanations carefully even if you gave the correct answers but were not confident. You can further improve your skills by reading them.
(4)Phrases, examples, difficult explanations are followed by translations.
The questions, answers, and difficult explanations are translated into English. You can make sure you understand the explanations by reading the translations.
(5)Non-correct alternatives also come with explanations.
Among the choices, the non-correct alternatives also come with explanations which will be helpful when you chose a wrong answer. You also need to know the meanings of non-correct alternatives which are also important.
① 問題数(もんだいすう)が多(おお)い。
② 回(かい)ごとに少(すこ)しずつ進(すす)むことができる。
③ ていねいで、わかりやすい解説(かいせつ)がついている。
④ 語句(ごく)や例文(れいぶん)、難(むずか)しい説明(せつめい)には翻訳(ほんやく)がついている。
⑤ 正解(せいかい)ではないものについても説明(せつめい)がある。