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Pitching – 18 Static Stretching Exercises To Increase Pitcher Velocity (Pitcher Workouts Book 3) (English Edition)

Are Your Muscles Sore?

When you wake up in the morning, how do you feel? Or a better question, how do your muscles feel?

Tomorrow Morning Flexibility Test

Do me a favor. Next time you wake up in the morning, stand up and put your feet together. With straight legs (a slight knee bend) slowly reach down to touch your toes. Are you making terrible noises? Does it feel like someone stabbed a screw driver in your hamstrings and they decided to twist?

How You Should Feel Each Day

Here is the deal bro, you need to feel like a rock star when you get out bed. The training ahead of you each day should be exciting. Yesterday is over. Today is your new chance to get better. To progress toward a 95 MPH fastball.

Static Stretching, Your New Favorite Velocity Tool

Today we are going to learn static stretching you need to be healthy, gain flexibility and throw faster.

I tell all my students, “If you are not stretching once a day, you will not stay healthy and gain functional strength you need. Your flexibility is a key growth need to throw 90+ MPH. That’s why all the big leaguers take it so serious. So should you!”

What Age Should You Start Static Stretching?

The bet day to start stretching is today. Over time it gets harder to maintain and even harder to gain. It’s possible and I am going to show you how. The very best time to start static stretching is right now. Any age. Even if you are an old coach with no requirements but just sitting there on a bucket during the game, you should still be stretching. Set the example! You will thank me later.

The Moves I Did Everyday

This book is the 18 static stretches I did every day to throw 95 MPH in college. I would ALWAYS do these stretches. Sometimes I would do more. Sometime I would just do these. But I made sure to accomplish these 18 before I threw no matter what.

That means I had to show up early.

Balance, Always Stretch Both Sides

You will notice these moves create a balance and are lower half focused. Because that is what you need to throw hard and stay healthy. Make sure you count well and breathe deep. The more flexibility you gain, the better athlete you will become.

After you use these for a while, throwing 90+ will be easy.

Thanks for reading and thanks for your hard work.

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