“Although, your health condition may impact your everyday life, do not let it define who you are.”
Lupus is a chronic and potentially life-threatening, autoimmune disease. It can damage any part of the body (skin, joints, and/or organs inside the body). Chronic means that the signs and symptoms tend to last longer than six weeks and often for many years. Autoimmune means your immune system cannot tell the difference between foreign invaders and your body's healthy tissues ("auto" means "self"), and so antibodies (or now called “autoantibodies”) in your body attack the body’s own healthy cells.
Inside this text are pertinent topics and covers every aspect of the disease, including: (1) an overview of lupus, (2) the causes, (3) the different kinds, (4) about Lupus Nephritis, (5) signs and symptoms of lupus, (6) how lupus is diagnosis, (7) conventional treatments, (8) alternative treatment, (9) the needed diet for people with lupus, (10) risk factors or who gets lupus, (11) what you should know about lupus and osteoporosis, (12) as well as lupus and pregnancy, (13) the gastrointestinal involvement in lupus, (14) the quality of life of people with lupus, (15) how to cope up with lupus, (16) employment and disability issues in lupus, (17) and the on-going research on lupus.
Thank you and may you have a very good understanding of lupus and be able to know how to treat the disease the available FDA approved medicine as well as other ways to manage the condition. Take care, and as always…be well!