The incandescent romance between history professor Alexander Vlad and graduating high school student Adelina Marin tangles with a gypsy tribe's affairs. Cursed by Vlad the Impaler – Dracula, the tribe is heading for destruction, as the tribe’s witch strives to save it through black magic. Will Alex and Adelina’s passionate love survive the power of the curse-bearing bouquet, or will they live forever apart, tortured by desire and longing for each other - as the bouquet was destined to keep them? Breathing suspense, intrigue, and mystery, The Girl of Dracula love story is infused with remarkable historical research and detail.
Dragostea care erupe incandescent intre profesorul de istorie Alexandru Vlad si Adelina Marin – o eleva care tocmai termina liceul, se complica involuntar cu afacerile interne ale unei satre de tigani. Blestemata de Vlad Tepes-Dracula, satra se indreapta vertiginos spre pieire, in timp ce vrajitoarea satrei se straduieste din rasputeri sa o salveze uzand de magie neagra. Va supravietui oare iubirea pasionata a celor doi indragostiti puterii nefaste a buchetului purtator de blestem, sau Alex si Adelina vor trai despartiti pentru totdeauna, chinuiti de dor, tanjind unul dupa altul asa cum buchetul fusese destinat sa-i tina? Pulsand intriga, mister si suspans, romanul FATA LUI DRACULA este presarat cu informatii istorice remarcabile.