It’s a real story about a nine year old American little girl who was taken to Italy by her parents shortly after the breaking out of World War II consequently to the bombing on Pearl Harbor in 1942. It describes the terror and the witnessing of horrendous and treacherous events, the daily bombing , the appalling vision of unburied corpses from the smoking debris.
Her mother struggling through a raging war country invaded and occupied by German troops, in pursuit of her imprisoned husband condemned to death during various circumstances.
After decades of suffering silence deep inside her hearth and soul trying to bury the atrocities, pain and hardships she had gone through and endured; being the subject of these events extremely painful to recollect and write down on paper; in time she understood how important it was to disclose her memories and let the new generations know how bravely and courageously their fathers and grandfathers had fought during the Italian campaign, mainly to give a tribute to the heroes as General Mark Clark and the Fifth Army who struggled their arduous and perilous way along the Italian peninsula etc etc.
I hope you will be curious to read the following exciting pages of this manuscript. Good lecture!