How I traveled for several months
without spending any money at all!
A 36 months travel venture through 5 continents.
In summer 2015 I traveled through Norway and Finland for eight weeks without spending any money at all. You don’t believe me? I can’t blame you! Norway and Finland are two of the most expensive countries for living which on the other hand side doesn’t mean that you can’t travel them cheap or even for free.
While being in Norway I figured out how to reduce my travel budget which was already very low to the lowest it can get: zero! From there up I continued my journey through the country without spending any money at all and I was also able to do the same when I crossed over into Finland.
In this book I’ll show you how I’ve done it and how you can travel for free as well!
TAGS: travel, travel guides, budget travel, budget traveler, travel for free, free travel, adventure travel, bicycle touring, camping, hiking, backpacking, full time travel, how to travel the world, travel tips, cheap travel, outdoor adventure, world traveler