Physics illusions and Revolutions
Part I
Is a chronological history of physics from ancient Greece to today. It encompasses the many discoveries which unlocked the mysteries or exposed the great illusions of the universe. It also explores the personalities and quirks of the pioneers of science.
It is a candid, witty, yet complete précis of physics. Readers typically comment; “If only I had this book in high school”.
Part II
Is a revolutionary theory of electromagnetism.
Had electricity been discovered before lodestone or magnetite, the illusion that magnetism encircles its generating current would never have materialised. Science would have concluded that magnetism flows co-parallel with its conductor. Circular conductors and magnets then rotate their magnetism. Aligned magnets or coils with like spin attract and those with counter spins repel.
This new direction offers logical reasons for phenomena like the perpendicular forces on conductors, static electricity, induction and more.
This then ruptures the single universe illusion which has insufficient dimensions.