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If you want to learn Prezi, and specifically design within Prezi, this is the book for you. Perhaps you already know a bit about Prezi but have never used it, or perhaps you have used Prezi before but want to learn how to incorporate your own custom design elements. In either case, this book will get you up and running quickly. It would be helpful to have a bit of familiarity with basic design concepts and the use of Prezi, but prior experience is not essential.
Do you dread sitting through a presentation while someone clicks through endless dull slides? If so, then you will love the presentation tool Prezi. Unlike traditional presentation software, Prezi allows you to create non-linear presentations that easily embed your own content or content from the web and can be easily shared via a link.
This book will be your indispensable companion through the exciting journey of learning Prezi. It will guide you through everything you need to know to get started using the existing content and by bringing in new custom materials you've created. This guide contains helpful advice on practical considerations when designing presentations in Prezi. From considering the color scheme to designing the layout, this book will give you useful hints and tips.