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Think Jewish (English Edition)

“Can’t I Be Good Without Being Religious?”
"Why Keep Kosher? "
“How Can I Pray If I Don’t Really Believe in G-d?”
“Why Don’t Miracles Happen Today?”
“The Chosen People…after Hitler?”
“Is Being Born Jewish an Accident of Birth?”
“What is Chabad?”
“What is a Rebbe?”
“How Does Chabad View Other Jews?”
“Can Ancient Rituals Have Relevance Today?”
“Aren't Mitzvot Restricting?”
“Can Reason Define Good and Evil?”

About the Author:
Zalman Posner was born in British-controlled Israel and immigrated to the United States as a child. His parents eventually founded the Yeshiva in Pittsburgh. When the Previous Rebbe escaped Hitler and came to America, young Posner greeted him at the pier. It can be said that he has never left his side since.

The Previous Rebbe challenged him to take on responsibilities and positions he would otherwise not have attempted: to visit the DP camps of Europe and tell the survivor’s that there is kosher life in the treife medina, to become school principal at age twenty and to travel 1,000 miles South to accept the pulpit -- of a congregation in which he was just old enough to join the youth club.

Throughout five decades of his life, the Rebbe was always there for Posner: teaching, encouraging and -- when it came to writing – demanding. When it was unheard of and ludicrous, Posner and his wife brought Yiddishkeit to America outside the few great metropolitan centers by reviving a faltering Shul, founding a day school and giving people faith in their Jewish selves.

They are being rewarded in seeing children and friends leading just the life they would have wished for them.

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