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THRILLER: The Galilee Plot: (International Biological Terrorism, The Mossad, and A Self-contended Couple…) (English Edition)

A lethal microorganism, adapted to attack only the DNA of Jews, is running riot in a settlement in Galilee.

Racially motivated biological terror is the chilling specter evoked by renowned storyteller Shlomo Kalo in this fast-moving and thought-provoking novel.

While on vacation in Zurich, an Israeli microbiologist and his wife learn of a frightening development back in their homeland. A former colleague of the husband, now a radicalized Muslim, has set lose a disastrous strain in Israel. The couple along with the Mossad are drafted in to avert disaster.

As the story races from Zurich to Berlin, New York to Israel, the thrilling plot is interlaced with philosophical and spiritual insights about life in today's chaotic world, as we root for the humorous and harmonious couple to save the day.

"When you sit down to read this book, clear off all the duties you planned for the evening! Kalo writes in a fascinating way, using an exceptional language. If you haven't read so far any book by Kalo, which is a pity, then this one is a starting point to get to know him!" Danny Beller, Maariv, Israel

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